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Jury members wanted

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weinfreaks.de: A strong team

Whether jury tastings lead to more reliable evaluations because the results depend less on the preferences of individual participants is disputed. Émile Peynaud, one of the most important oenologists and wine sensory experts of the 20th century, explains in his standard work “Le goût du vins” (Editions Bordas/Dunod, 1980): “The unanimous opinion of several tasters definitely gives a feeling of greater certainty and can be considered more reliable, provided there is no doubt about the quality of the members and the homogeneity of the group”. But: “Tasting is not a simple opinion poll, however, and one cannot compensate for the shortcomings of evaluation simply by increasing the number of respondents.”

An above-average knowledge of wine and experience with tasting wine are important prerequisites for participation in a jury tasting. In addition, the ability to work as a team player in a group of tasters and to implement the specifications of the tasting manager with regard to the quality criteria and the guidelines for awarding points.

Do you meet these requirements? If you would like to join weinfreaks.de as a taster, please contact us.